In a prior article we explained how axial spin of celestial bodies interact with mutual gravitation in the phenomenon of synchronous rotation of our moon and the major moons of the gas giants. We also showed how the same complementary interactions could explain both the nonsynchronous (regular orbits) and the negative rotations in Venus, Uranus and Pluto, as well as in the peripheral small satellites of the gas giants. This paper expands on that theme and identifies the various other areas in which these two fundamental and ubiquitous forces cooperate to bring about many other phenomena in the larger universe. Prominent among these phenomena is the role played by the mother bodies’ axial rotation in determining the direction of the orbital motion of their satellite bodies. The other effects include the appearance and maintenance of the spherical shape of large celestial bodies, generation of magnetism in planets, their respective roles in the formation of solar nebulae and proto-planetary disks, and the flattened profile of spiral and elliptical galaxies. Another important finding reported in this paper is the close relationship that exists between the size of planets, as well as the stars, with their axial rotation speeds. This increase of axial rotation speed of celestial bodies in direct proportion to the mass of those bodies, we believe serves to counteract the inward thrust of gravity, in exact proportions and thus help maintain the roughly spherical contour of those bodies. This finding even extends to spiral galaxies, where the axial rotation speed seems to be positively related to the size of the galaxy. This phenomenon and others suggest that spin is a fundamental and purposeful property of matter. Thus, in this paper we stress the important contributions made by the collaborative interactions between the ubiquitous gravity and spin in matter at the level of the fundamental particles, as well as in large celestial bodies, including the largest units in the universe, the galaxies.