White matter tissue properties are highly correlated with reading proficiency; we would like to have a model that relates the dynamics of an individual's white matter development to their acquisition of skilled reading. The development of cerebral white matter involves multiple biological processes, and the balance between these processes differs between individuals. Cross-sectional measures of white matter mask the interplay between these processes and their connection to an individual's cognitive development. Hence, we performed a longitudinal study to measure white-matter development (diffusion-weighted imaging) and reading development (behavioral testing) in individual children (age 7-15 y). The pattern of white-matter development differed significantly among children. In the left arcuate and left inferior longitudinal fasciculus, children with above-average reading skills initially had low fractional anisotropy (FA) that increased over the 3-y period, whereas children with belowaverage reading skills had higher initial FA that declined over time. We describe a dual-process model of white matter development comprising biological processes with opposing effects on FA, such as axonal myelination and pruning, to explain the pattern of results.R eading requires efficient communication within a network of visual, auditory, and language-processing regions that are separated by many centimeters. Hence, the white-matter fascicles that connect these regions are critical for proficient reading (1). Only in the last decade has it become possible to study the microstructural properties of the white matter in the living human brain, and only in recent years has there been an opportunity to trace the developmental progression of these fascicles systematically. During this decade it has been shown that learning to read is associated with corresponding changes in sensory and language circuits in the brain (2-5).Diffusion measurements of the white-matter pathways (3, 5-7) and neurological case studies (8, 9) suggest that in typical development and education both the left hemisphere arcuate fasciculus and inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) carry signals important for reading. Studies in adults, adolescents, and schoolage children have reported differences between good and poor readers in white-matter volume and diffusion properties in the vicinity of these pathways (10-14). One possibility is that these differences are present from an early age, remain constant through development, and constrain children's aptitude for reading. An alternative possibility is that there is an interaction between the biological development and timing of instruction. Two case studies support this hypothesis. When damage to the arcuate fasciculus occurs at birth, normal reading skills can develop (15); when damage to the arcuate fasciculus occurs later, for example after reading instruction has begun, it can result in severe reading impairment (9). These cases suggest that learning depends on the circuits' current state and capacity for plasti...