The aim of this paper is, analytically, to deal with the nonlinear modulation of Love waves in a single-layered half-space. In this study, the propagation of Love waves on a solid half-space covered by a solid layer is considered. Both mediums contain nonlinear, isotopic, hyper-elastic, and generalized neo-Hookean materials. Additionally, the layer consists of homogeneous materials and the half-space involves heterogeneous materials. Heterogeneity varies with the thickness and is uniform in any direction parallel to the boundaries. Furthermore, the upper surface to be free from traction, and displacements and stresses to be continuous at the interface are assumed, in addition to holding the radiation condition in the half-space. It is noted that this problem corresponds to the improved version of Love wave propagation. An improvement is from linear to nonlinearity and from homogeneity to heterogeneity. Therefore, in this work, the improved version of Love wave dispersion is obtained. In addition, the nonlinear modulation of Love waves is given by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Moreover, the possibility of the existence of solitary waves, as a result of balancing between dispersion and nonlinearity, is investigated.