The ability to automatically infer relevant aspects of human users' thoughts and feelings is crucial for technologies to adapt their behaviors in complex interactions intelligently (e.g., social robots or tutoring systems). Research on multimodal analysis has demonstrated the potential of technology to provide such estimates for a broad range of internal states and processes. However, constructing robust enough approaches for deployment in real-world applications remains an open problem. The MSECP-Wild workshop series serves as a multidisciplinary forum to present and discuss research addressing this challenge. This 4 ℎ iteration focuses on addressing varying contextual conditions (e.g., throughout an interaction or across diferent situations and environments) in intelligent systems as a crucial barrier for more valid real-world predictions and actions. Submissions to the workshop span eforts relevant to multimodal data collection and context-sensitive modeling. These works provide important impulses for discussions of the state-of-the-art and opportunities for future research on these subjects.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in ubiquitous and mobile computing.