Safe practices in the production, storage, distribution, and use of hydrogen are essential for the widespread acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. A significant safety incident in any project could damage public perception of hydrogen and fuel cells. A recent incident involving a hydrogen mobile storage trailer in the United States has brought attention to the potential impacts of mobile hydrogen storage and transport. Road transport of bulk hydrogen presents unique hazards that can be very different from those for stationary equipment, and new equipment developers may have less experience and expertise than seasoned gas providers.In response to the aforementioned incident, and in support of hydrogen and fuel cell activities in California, the Hydrogen Safety Panel (HSP) has investigated the safety of mobile hydrogen and fuel cell applications (mobile auxiliary/emergency fuel cell power units, mobile fuelers, multi-cylinder trailer transport, unmanned aircraft power supplies, and mobile hydrogen generators). The HSP examined the applications, requirements, and performance of mobile applications that are being used extensively outside of California to understand how safety considerations are applied. This report discusses the results of the HSP's evaluation of hydrogen and fuel cell mobile applications along with recommendations to address relevant safety issues.The funding for this study was provided by the California Energy Commission. The Hydrogen Safety Panel gratefully acknowledges the guidance and assistance provided by Jean Baronas and Sebastian Serrato of the California Energy Commission. The Panel also thanks the study's participants for sharing invaluable information and insight to help broaden our understanding about safety of hydrogen mobile applications and fuel cell technologies.The accuracy of the information and the views presented in this report are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the California Energy Commission or of any individuals or stakeholder groups.