Focusing positively chirped femtosecond pulses into nonlinear fibers provides significant spectral broadening and compression at higher pulse energies than achievable conventionally because self-focusing and damage are avoided. Here, we investigate the transfer of input to output chirp in such an arrangement. Our measurements show that the group delay dispersion of the output pulse, originating from the nonlinearities, is considerably reduced as compared to the initial value, by about a factor of 10. The mechanism of chirp reduction is understood by an interplay of selfphase modulation with initial chirp within the fiber. A simple model calculation based on this picture yields satisfactory agreement with the observations and predicts significant chirp reduction for input pulses up to the μJ regime. In practice, the reduction of chirp observed here allows for compressing the spectrally broadened intense pulses by ultrabroadband dispersive multilayer mirrors of quite moderate dispersion. Spectral broadening and pulse compression in fibers can be extended to significantly higher pulse energies by (1) using large-mode-area photonic crystal fibers [1][2][3][4][5][6] in combination with (2) chirping the input pulses [6,1]. The latter approach is particularly promising for upscaling the pulse energy because the nonlinear broadening mechanisms in the fiber scale with the pulse's peak intensity, whereas damaging effects caused by self-focusing scale with the peak power. Experiments show that chirped pulses at higher energy can provide the same amount of broadening as short pulses of lower energy [6]. Positive chirp was applied to generate 350 nJ, 16 fs pulses at a repetition rate of 5.1 MHz in this way [6]. Negatively chirped input can also result in some improvements [1], although the fiber's dispersion tends to compress the propagating pulses in a nondesired way. A central aspect of chirped broadening with practical relevance is the amount of output chirp that is generated at the high input-chirps required for making full use of the advantage of chirped broadening. Will the output chirp be low enough so that efficient compression schemes such as chirped mirrors are still practically applicable?Here we report an experimental investigation of how the input chirp converts to an output chirp during broadening in a large-mode-area fiber. The concept of our measurement is depicted in Fig. 1. A long-cavity Ti:sapphire oscillator [7] (Scientific XL, Femtolasers GmbH) provides 55 fs pulses at a central wavelength of 795 nm with ∼500 nJ of pulse energy at a repetition rate of 5.1 MHz. The system's internal prism compressor is used for inducing a well-defined group delay dispersion (D in ); this stretches the pulses in time to a duration τ in . An aspheric lens (f ≈ 40 mm) is used to focus the chirped pulses into a large-mode-area fiber (LMA-25, Thorlabs) for nonlinear broadening. The output beam is collimated with another lens (f ≈ 20 mm). The output pulses have a group delay dispersion D out and a duration τ out . The output pu...