This thesis discusses the proposal of nonlinear deadbeat control for continuous conduction mode (CCM) boost converter and the experimental verification. First, the nonlinear state equation is derived, and second a nonlinear current reference deadbeat control is proposed. Third, a new nonlinear controller to implement the load disturbance compensation is proposed. Then the simulations using PSIM software and verifications by experiments, it is confirmed that under the conditions of an input voltage 12 V, an output voltage of 20 V, a load resistance of 4 Ω and a sampling frequency of 100 kHz, the voltage command tracking capability of a settling time of 280 µs is achieved, and an output voltage recovery time of 1.46 ms is achieved for a sudden unknown load change. Mathematical analysis is performed to confirm asymptotic stability and robustness of the control method during voltage and current perturbation, disturbance occurrence and parameter variations. It is found that the voltage and current errors eigen values converge towards inside of the unit circle thus maintaining asymptotic stability for each perturbation case investigated. Methods to design the controller parameters are stipulated to be within the physical realization and can be applied to boost converter of any application in CCM. The proposed control method is compared with other literature that applied different digital control methods to boost converters of various applications. It is found that nonlinear deadbeat control proposed in this thesis is about twice as fast for reference tracking response, and can reject disturbances quickly for a load current three times bigger than other literature. Therefore, it is concluded that these data are the best even though the proposed control is based on nonlinear equations. Few differences are observed between experiments and simulations. Further investigations reveal the cause to be time delay in the switching device and other unmodeled nonlinear switching device phenomena. Future work will focus on improving the control method to compensate for nonlinearities. I expressly thank Prof. Atsuo Kawamura for teaching and guiding me how to think strategically about research, how to present research ideas and findings, and for providing excellent opportunities to help me grow scientifically.I thank all my Ph.D. committee Professors at YNU for being kind and patient to examine this thesis, listen to the defense and grant me the opportunity to earn the Ph.D. degree.I thank all Kawamura lab members, past and present for being very kind to me and assisted in my scientific endeavors.I express deep gratitude to my family, for standing there for me, whenever I had to pull those long nights and long weekends, days, or months never at home, while undertaking this study.