By means of large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we examine the quantum critical scaling of the magnetic excitation gap (the triplon gap) in a three-dimensional dimerized quantum antiferromagnet, the bicubic lattice, and identify characteristic multiplicative logarithmic scaling corrections atop the leading mean-field behavior. These findings are in accord with field-theoretical predictions that are based on an effective description of the quantum critical system in terms of an asymptotically-free field theory, which exhibits a logarithmic decay of the renormalized interaction strength upon approaching the quantum critical point. Furthermore, using bond-based singlet spectroscopy, we identify the amplitude (Higgs) mode resonance within the antiferromagnetic region. We find a Higgs mass scaling in accord with field-theoretical predictions that relate it by a factor of √ 2 to the corresponding triplon gap in the quantum disordered regime. In contrast to the situation in lower-dimensional systems, we observe in this three-dimensional coupled-dimer system a distinct signal from the amplitude mode also in the dynamical spin structure factor. The width of the Higgs mode resonance is observed to scale linearly with the Higgs mass near criticality, indicative of this critically well-defined excitation mode of the symmetry broken phase.Quantum critical three-dimensional antiferromagnets provide considerably valuable condensed matter realizations of (infrared) asymptotically free quantum field theories: based on the quantum-to-classical mapping, the critical field theory that describes the underlying quantum critical point is the classical four-dimensional O(3) φ 4 -theory [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Due to a logarithmic decay of the renormalized interaction strength upon approaching the critical point, this field theory exhibits logarithmic corrections to a Gaussian fixed point [7][8][9][10]. This leads to characteristic multiplicative logarithmic scaling corrections to the bare mean-field behavior in various physical quantities that are in principle accessible by several experimental probes, such as in thermodynamic measurements or neutron and light scattering techniques [6,[11][12][13][14], if probed at the relevant energy scales near the quantum critical point.A well characterized example system of this scenario is provided by the dimerized spin-half compound TlCuCl 3 : under the application of hydrostatic pressure, this system features a quantum phase transition from a gapped quantum disordered state into an antiferromagnetically ordered phase [15]. The magnetic excitations across the quantum critical region have been analyzed in detail recently by inelastic neutron scattering [16][17][18]. These studies identified the evolution of the gapped magnon mode from the dimerized quantum disordered regime (frequently referred to also as the "triplon" mode in reference to its threefold degeneracy in the isotropic Heisenberg spin-exchange case), to the low-energy (transverse) Goldstone modes that accompany the spontaneous bre...