In this paper we report on the possibility of neutralizing filter dust from Talum Livarna d.o.o. The filter dust that remains after cleaning flue gas with the classification number of waste 10 10 09* is alkaline and contains heavy metals, non-metals, organic pollutants, and, therefore, has the properties of hazardous waste. The possibility of neutralizing this dust with CO2 was studied. The results showed that the treatment successfully lowered the pH value between the limits 6 and 9, which is within the legal constraints of pollution for strong acidic or alkaline waste. The contents of the hazardous substances were lowered, i.e., As, Cu, Ba, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sn, Mn and V, with percolation values that are below the level of the prescribed threshold-limit values for substances that allows their disposal in non-hazardous waste landfills. Only the percolation values of Sb, Cd, Mo and Se exceed the prescribed threshold limit values of substances that allow their disposal in inert waste landfills. The XRD analysis after the neutralization of the filter dust using CO2 showed no presence of CaO. The neutralized filter dust can be land filled as a stabilized and unreactive waste in landfills for nonhazardous wastes. Their properties also offer the possibility for incorporating them into some other material or product, such as the production of new composite materials, their use in construction products and perhaps cements or usage in backfills. Keywords: hazardous waste, filter dust, neutralization, stabilization, chemical properties Raziskali smo mo`nost nevtralizacije filtrskega prahu iz podjetja Talum Livarna, d. o. o. Filtrski prah po~i{~enju dimnih plinov s klasifikacijsko {tevilko odpadka 10 10 09* je alkalen, vsebuje te`ke kovine, nekovine, organska onesna`evala, zato ima lastnosti nevarnega odpadka. Filtrski prah smo nevtralizirali s CO2, da je nastal prete`no amorfen produkt. Po obdelavi smo uspe{no zni`ali pH-vrednost v meje med 6 in 9, kar je v dovoljenem obmo~ju za odpadke, onesna`ene z mo~no kislino ali bazo. Prav tako je bila zmanj{ana vsebnost nevarnih snovi, in sicer As, Cu, Ba, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Sn, Mn in V, tako da so izlu`evalne vrednosti pod mejo predpisanih parametrov izlu`ka in je tako dovoljeno odlaganje na odlagali{~ih za nenevarne odpadke. Samo izlu`evalne vrednosti Sb, Cd, Mo in Se {e prekora~ujejo predpisane mejne vrednosti, ki so dovoljene za odlaganje na odlagali{~ih za inertne odpadke. XRD-analiza po nevtralizaciji filtrskega prahu s CO2 ni pokazala prisotnosti CaO. Nevtraliziran filtrski prah se lahko odlo`i kot stabiliziran in nereaktiven odpadek na odlagali{~ih nenevarnih odpadkov. Glede na lastnosti obstaja mo`nost predelave in uporabe v koristne namene, npr. za proizvodnjo novih kompozitnih materialov, gradbenih izdelkov, morda cementa ali za zasipavanje.