In contrast to traditional rechargeable rock-chairm etal-ion batteries, dual-ion batteries( DIBs) involve redoxr eactions with anions rather than cations in p-type cathodes.I np rinciple, regulating the electrochemical performance of the DIB by different anion species is highly feasible. Herein, the anion effect on the electrochemical performance of aD IB, the aqueous Znorganic radical battery (Zn-ORB), consisting of ap oly(2,2,6,6tetramethylpiperidinyloxy-4-yl vinyl ether) cathode andaZn anode,w as investigated by DFT calculations. SO 4 2À ,C F 3 SO 3 À , and ClO 4 À with different molecular electrostaticp otential values were selected as anion models. DFT calculations revealed that as tronger electrostatic interaction of the anion with the organicr adicalr esulted in ah ighero perating voltage of the Zn-ORB, which was consistent with experimental results. These results bring new insighti nto the redox chemistry of ptype organic radicals with anions andw ill promote the development of high-power aqueous Zn-ORBs as well as inspire more investigations into the anion effect towards novel battery designs.Battery technologies for energy storagea re of increasing importance for the future of society. [1] Traditional rechargeable rock-chairm etal-ion batteries are fabricatedb yc ation-insertion electrode materials, in which cation chargec arriers shuttle between anode and cathode and predominate the electrochemical behavior of batteries whereas anion chargec arriers work as coordinating counterpart for ionicc onduction in the electrolyte. [2] In contrastt or ock-chairm etal-ion batteries, dual-ion batteries (DIBs) involve redox reactions with anions rathert han cations in p-type cathodes. [3] They usually present high redox potentialo wing to the low electron energy level of p-type cathodes. [4] In theory,d ifferent anion species interacting with the same p-type materials hould contribute different reaction energy levels,l eading to different operating voltages given by the Nernste quation. [5] This suggests that regulating the electrochemical performance of DIBs by different anion speciesi s highly feasible. However,t he anion effect on the electrochemical performance of DIBs hasbeen ignored for along time.Aqueous batteries have attracted tremendous attention for their merits of low cost and high safety. [6] Low cost, high volumetric energy density (5855 mA hcm À3 ), and suitable equilibrium potential (À0.763 Vv s. standard hydrogen electrode) make Zn metal ap romising anode for aqueous batteries. [7] However, reported cathodes of aqueousz inc-ionb atteries (ZIBs) encounter limited operating voltages and inferior rate capability.F or instance, average dischargev oltages have been reported to be 0.7-0.9 Vf or vanadium-based oxides, [8] 0.8-1.0 Vf or carbonyl organic compounds, [9] and 1.3-1.4 Vf or manganese-based oxides. [10] In addition, powerd ensitieso ft hese zinc-ion insertion cathodes are limited to 1000-8000 Wkg À1 owing to sluggish diffusion kinetics of divalent Zn 2 + .T od ate, only af ew zinc-based dua...