A clinical research is not only an important issue for hospital pharmacist but also for community pharmacist because it is necessary to practice high quality pharmaceutical care. It goes without saying that drug and patient's informations are of great importance to investigate the clinical research in community pharmacist. However, the accessibility of latter information is limited to prescription, medication note, medication and care records, interview to the patients for community pharmacist, so far. Therefore, likewise pharmaceutical care, the abilities thatˆnd and solve the problems is very important for the clinical research by community pharmacist. In addition, it should consider that it cooperates with the facilities such as the hospital and faculty of university. This paper give a summary account of the usefulness of clinical research on the practice of pharmaceutical care for community pharmacy using our three examples such as, 1)Evaluation of usefulness of population pharmacokinetics analysis results to community pharmacy eŠect of smoking and gender diŠerence on olanzapine dosages, 2)Investigation of binding of drugs with natural polymer supplements, 3)Health promotion by primary-care pharmacist Usefulness of educational activitys for importance of folic acid intake in pregnancy-aged women, which have been worked together with hospital pharmacist, faculty of university, and community resident, respectively.