SUMMARYThe numerical simulation of practical electromagnetic scattering problems often involves geometries that are complex in shape and that may contain small scale features. The result is a large scale simulation and this requires solution techniques that are e cient, in terms of both computer time and computer memory requirements. In addition, it is advantageous if the method adopted exhibits a high degree of exibility from the viewpoint of mesh generation. Hybrid methods, based upon the coupling of the structured grid ÿnite di erence time domain approach with an unstructured ÿnite element or ÿnite volume time domain procedure, appear ideally suited to meet these requirements. The structured grid method is memory and time e cient, while the unstructured grid methods readily handle general geometries, allowing detailed deÿnition of small scale features. This paper presents the results of an initial investigation into the possibility exploiting these advantages in electromagnetic scattering simulations.