“…Duration > 18 monthsELISA B. burgdorferi s. s. antibody negative. Western blot 2 + antibodies (one level below strongest staining intensity) to outer surface protein A (OspA) of B. garinii only. Biopsy of secondary lesion showed mild, mainly perivascular lymphohistiocytic inflammatory cell infiltrate in superficial dermis, minimal exocytosis, a little pigment incontinence, no organisms demonstrated with PAS, Gram or Warthin–Starry stains. Culture of biopsy grew spirochaetes Direct immunofluorescence antibody staining to flagellin protein of B. burgdorferi s. l. and PCR of the flagellin and 16S rRNA identified B. garinii more closely related to European rather than Asiatic B. garinii strains. | Positive/positive (NS) | [84] | 152.8E, 31.66S | Yes | EM, no systemic illness | rpoC PCR positive | NP/positive-sequencing showed 99% identity match to B. burgdorferi strain N40 | [87] |
152.7E 31.73S | Never left Australia | EM, systemic illness | rpoC PCR positive | NP/positive-sequencing showed 99% identity match to B. burgdorferi strain N40 | [87] |
151.3E, 33.74S | Yes | EM, fever, meningism, severe headache worse with coughing and shaking of head, photophobia and retro-orbital pain. | rpoC PCR positive Follow-up testing post-treatment revealed: B. burgdorferi IgA, G, M negative. B. burgdorferi multiplex PCR negative (primer targets not specified). Babesia and Bartonella serology negative. | NP/positive-sequencing showed 98% identity match to B. burgdorferi strain N40 | [87] |
152.8E, 31.32S | Never left Australia | EM, no systemic illness | Multiplex primer set 16S rRNA and OspC used — but only one product sequence is provided. Unclear if both or only one set was positive. | NP/positive-sequencing result inconclusive. | [87] |
Rural Victoria | ND | Fever, regular presumed viral illness, chronic fatigue syndrome. Severe arthritis in hands, auditory hypercusis, poor concentration, irritability and emotional lability, episodic sleep disturbances, two episodes of severe generalized body pain without cause, one episode of auditory hallucinations and paranoid ideas. |