Clarifying the origin of nematic state in FeSe is one of urgent problems in the field of iron-based superconductivity. Motivated by the discovery of a nematic solution in the density-functional theory implemented by on-site Coulomb interaction (DFT+U ) [X. Long et al., npj Quantum Mater. 5, 50 (2020)], we reexamine the U dependence of electronic states in the nonmagnetic normal state of FeSe and perform full multipolar analyses for the nematic state. We find that with increasing U the normal state experiences a topological change of the Fermi surfaces before the emergence of a nematic ground state. The resulting nematic ground state is a multipolar state having both antiferro-hexadecapoles in the E-representation and ferro-multipoles in the B2-representation on each Fe site. Cooperative coupling between the E and B2 multipoles in local coordinate with the D 2d point group will play an important role in the formation of the dxz, dyz orbital-splitting nematic state not only in FeSe but also in other iron pnictides.