Available online xxxKeywords: Direct carbon fuel cells Lignite fuel Co/CeO 2 anode Carbonates a b s t r a c t The feasibility of employing lignite coal as a fuel in a Direct Carbon Fuel Cell (DCFC) of the type: lignitejCoeCeO 2 /YSZ/Agjair is investigated. The impact of several parameters, relatedto anodic electrode composition (20, 40 and 60 wt.% Co/CeO 2 ), cell temperature (700 e800 C), carrier gas composition (CO 2 /He mixtures), and total feed flow rate (10e70 cm 3 / min), was systematically examined. The effect of molten carbonates on DCFC performance was also investigated by employing a eutectic mixture of lithium and potassium carbonates as carbon additives. In the absence of carbonates, the optimum performance (~10 mW cm À2 at 800 C), was achieved by employing 20 wt.% Co/CeO 2 as anodic electrode and pure CO 2 as purging gas. An inferior behavior was demonstrated by utilizing He instead of CO 2 atmosphere in anode compartment and by increasing purging gas flow rate.Carbonates infusion into lignite feedstock resulted in a further increase of maximum power density up to 32%. The obtained findings are discussed based also on AC impedance spectroscopy measurements, which revealed the impact of DCFC operating parameters on both ohmic and electrode resistances.