The electrochemical properties of the chlorides of the actinides U, Pu, Np and Am (AnCl 3 ) were investigated by transient electrochemical techniques in the LiCl-KCl eutectic at 400 -550 • C. The diffusion coefficients of the cations and the apparent standard potentials of the redox systems on an inert W electrode were measured. The Gibbs energy of dilute solutions of AnCl 3 as well as the activity coefficients were derived from electrochemical measurements. In addition, the electrochemical behaviour of the actinides on an Al electrode was investigated. They formed AnAl 4 alloys, the formation potentials of which allowed a quantitative recovery of the actinides and their separation from fission products and especially from lanthanides. In addition, the thermochemical properties of the AnAl 4 alloys were determined by electrochemical measurements.