Cooper's formalism for fermionic pairing has been revisited considering upto 3 rd neighbour hopping terms, firstly with a Fermi liquid like background on a square lattice keeping in mind the overdoped cuprates. Then the whole scheme is repeated with a Marginal Fermi liquid-like background, taking into account the self energy correction of the mobile electrons to include a more realistic density of states in the calculation. Detailed comparison of our theoretical results with those from experiments strongly supports the Marginal Fermi liquid-like character of the normal phase with exciton mediated superconducting pairing in the concerned materials, in the lightly overdoped phase. Keywords: A. Self energy B. Superconductivity in overdoped cuprates C. Electronic pairing mechanism D. Marginal Fermi liquid theory Introduction:Theoretical demonstrations of superconductivity in overdoped cuprates supported by Fermi liquid (FL) like description of parental normal phase, were presented by many researchers till now [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Cuprates undergo transitions between different phases-from insulating with long range antiferromagnetism to superconductor with normal phase of non-Fermi liquid nature and then again to superconductor having Fermi liquid (FL) characterized normal phase, with increase in doping percentage and lowering of temperature. It has been argued that with increasing concentration of mobile holes the fermionic correlation in the system becomes weaker compared to the band width and the cuprate system becomes a better metal [8]. By measuring the transport of both heat and charge in the normal state at very low temperature, experimentalists were able to verify that one of the hole doped cuprates in the over doped regime obeys the Wiedemann-