Background: Inflammatory damage following stroke aggravates brain damage, resulting in long-term neurological sequelae. The purpose of this study was to identify ways to reduce inflammatory reactions and to accelerate neuron regeneration after cerebral apoplexy. Methods: We formulated a biomimetic vesicle, the leukosome, constituted by liposome, artificial long intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA)-EPS, and membrane proteins derived from macrophages and their physical-chemical characteristics were evaluated. Migration distance and cytotoxic levels were measured to determine the effect of lncEPSleukosomes on lipopolysaccharide-activated microglia. An in vivo transient middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion (tMCAO) model was established in mice, which were treated with lncEPS-leukosomes. Vesicle seepage, infiltration of inflammatory cells, cytotoxic levels in the cerebrospinal fluid, and neural stem cell (NSC) density were measured. Results: Biomimetic vesicles with a homogeneous size increased lincRNA-EPS levels in activated microglia by 77.9%. In vitro studies showed that lincRNA-EPS inhibited the migration and cytotoxic levels of activated microglia by 63.2% and 43.6%, respectively, which promoted NSC proliferation and anti-apoptotic ability. In vivo data showed that leukosomes targeted to inflamed sites and lncEPS-leukosomes decreased the infiltration of inflammatory cells and cytotoxic levels by 81.3% and 48.7%, respectively. In addition, lncEPS-leukosomes improved neuron density in the ischemic core and boundary zone after tMCAO. Conclusions: The biomimetic vesicles formulated in this study targeted inflammatory cells and accelerated neuron regeneration by promoting inflammation resolution. This study may provide a promising treatment approach for accelerated neuron regeneration after cerebral apoplexy.