The evolution of hyperfine interactions with temperature is studied for Fe 80 M 7 Cu 1 B 12 (M = Mo, Nb and Ti) nanocrystalline alloys with the help of 57 Fe Mössbauer spectrometry. The nanocrystalline structure features an amorphous residual matrix surrounding the crystalline nanograins of bcc-Fe. In addition, interfacial regions comprising atoms located on the surface of nanocrystals are considered. Special attention is paid to the temperature behaviour of hyperfine magnetic fields of the nanograins. The temperature dependence of hyperfine magnetic fields pointed out significant differences between bulk and nanosized bcc-Fe, suggesting a decrease in the corresponding magnetic ordering temperature. The higher the crystalline content is, the lower the difference between the hyperfine fields of bulk bcc-Fe and nanocrystalline Fe grains. This tendency is observed for M = Nb and Ti whereas it is completely opposite for M = Mo. The present results are explained in terms of mechanical stresses induced during the transformation from the amorphous to the nanocrystalline state, thus excluding a significant number of impurities diffused into the nanocrystalline grains.