Absrract-We have studied the static magnetic properties of n a n o c r y s t a l l i n e C o -T i d o p e d b a r i u m f e r r i t e BaFe,o,,Coo,,Tio,,0,9. The zero-lield-cooled (ZFC) and fieldcooled (FC) processes show the typical features of 11 small paflicle system. The dependence on teinperatiirc of the coercive field is discussed within the scope of an aligned and random assembly of particles. The distribution of blocking temperatures is obtained from the reinanent-to-sattiration magnetization ratio. leading to the mean volume of the magnetic unit ("(6+3).10' A3), in agreement with the mean particle volume determinrd by TEM ("1. 1 .lo5 A3). Remanence curves are used to derive the anisotropy field distribution and the interparticle magnetic interaction.