Elsevier Payri, R.; Gimeno, J.; Viera, JP.; Plazas Torres, AH. (2013). Needle lift profile influence on the vapor phase penetration for a prototype diesel direct acting piezoelectric injector. Fuel. 113:257-265. doi:10.1016Fuel. 113:257-265. doi:10. /j.fuel.2013 and not injection pressure. Ambient temperature alone seems not to have and important effect on vapor penetration. Finally, the effects of the needle lift profile in the instant injection rate and vapor penetration are presented, confirming the strong relation between these three parameters, and confirming also that the needle lift plays a determinant role in the spray development, especially at the early stages of the injection process. Both boot and ramp shaped injections proved the ability to strongly influence the vapor penetration rate. In comparison to the square shaped injection, the effect of the ramp shaped injection delays the vapor penetration right from the start of injection while the effect of the boot shaped injection takes considerably longer to become noticeable. From the results, the needle lift control feature has proven to be a very versatile tool for engine designers to control the injection process as desired, opening a new path with a plenty of room for improvement.