Recent dynamical models of Solar System evolution and isotope studies of rock-forming elements in meteorites have suggested that volatile-rich asteroids formed in the outer Solar System beyond Jupiter's orbit, despite being currently located in the main asteroid belt 1-4 . The ambient temperature under which asteroids formed is a crucial diagnostic to pinpoint the original location of asteroids and is potentially determined by the abundance of volatiles they contain. In particular, abundances and 13 C/ 12 C ratios of carbonates in meteorites record the abundances of carbonbearing volatile species in their parent asteroids. However, the sources of carbon for these carbonates remain poorly understood 5-8 . Here we show that the Tagish Lake meteorite contains abundant carbonates with consistently high 13 C/ 12 C ratios. The high abundance of 13 C-rich carbonates in Tagish Lake excludes organic matter as their main carbon source 5,9 . Therefore, the Tagish Lake parent body, presumably a D-type asteroid 10 , must have accreted a large amount of 13 C-rich CO2 ice. The estimated 13 C/ 12 C and CO2/H2O ratios of ice in Tagish Lake are similar to those of cometary ice 11,12 . Thus, we infer that at least some D-type asteroids formed in the cold outer Solar System and were subsequently transported into the inner Solar System owing to an orbital instability of the giant planets 1,3 .We performed in situ C-isotope measurements on individual grains of carbonate minerals, calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), in Tagish Lake, an ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite (CC) with a petrologic type of 2, indicating that it underwent aqueous alteration 13,14 (Methods). For comparison, we also conducted C-and O-isotope measurements on calcite grains in two Mighei-type carbonaceous chondrites (CM chondrites) with a petrologic type of 2, Nogoya and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 031166. Due to the small grain size of Tagish Lake carbonates, we were not able to measure O isotopic ratios ( Supplementary Fig. 1). The 13 C and 18 O values ( 13 C/ 12 C and 17,18 O/ 16 O ratios are also expressed as 13 CVPDB and 17,18 OVSMOW, respectively, which represent permil, 10 -3 expressed as ‰, deviations from the isotopic ratios of standard materials: VPDB, Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite; VSMOW, Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) of CM carbonates are highly variable, ranging from approximately 20 to 80‰ and from approximately 15 to 40‰, respectively, and do not correlate with each other (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 1).The O-isotope data of CM carbonates plot on a single trend line (Fig. 1b), reflecting a change in formation temperatures and/or in the O isotopic ratios of fluids from which they formed. Therefore, the lack of correlation between 13 C and 18 O indicates that the variable 13 C values of CM carbonates must reflect isotopic heterogeneity of carbon sources (Methods). In contrast to CM carbonates, Tagish Lake carbonates have 478, 218-220 (2011). 28. Dauphas, N. The isotopic nature of the Earth's accreting material through time. Nature 541, 5...