eeived IQ eptemer PHPQY in (nl form HU xovemer PHPQY epted HV xovemer PHPQY pulished online HU heemer PHPQA wodeling the dsorption proesses nd luminesene properties of in yxide @nyA n proviE de vlule insights into its pplitionsF e used woleulr hynmis @whA method to investiE gte the dsorption proesses on ny nnolusters under di'erent initil onditionsF o ensure the nnolusters were orretly struturedD we pplied dil histriution puntions @hpA nd gentrl ymmetry rmeter @gA methodsF st ws disovered tht the numer of defets in the smples hd mjor in)uene on the simulted photoluminesene @vA spetrD whih were reted using iEqussin funtionF o ssess the mount of vnies on the surfes of the smpleD we used the reltive luminesene intensity of the seondry pek in the v spetrF o nlyze the simulted v spetrD we utilized qussin (tting tehniqueF he selfEtivted v nd peking ws diE vided y qussin deonvolutionD whih ws utilized for more inEdepth nlysis of the dtF fy reserhing the onsequenes of vrying onditions on the v spetrD we were le to otin etter omprehension of the mehnisms ehind dsorption proesses on ny nnolustersF purthermoreD this reserh enled us to gin insight into the in)uenes tht di'erent onditions n hve on the dsorption of oxygen toms on the nnolusters nd helped us in reting new genertion gs sensors sed on ny nnopowders nd its ompoundsF Key words: moleulr dynmisD dsorptionD photolumineseneD zin oxideF hysX httpsXGGdoiForgGIHFQHWUHGjpsFPUFRTHI I.