Homestead ponds may offer an ideal opportunity in contribution to household income, fish consumption through fish culture. Phytoplankton plays a key indicator in pond productivity. However, the phytoplankton communities in the homestead ponds are nearly undetermined in Bangladesh. This study summarizes the phytoplankton diversity, assemblage and ecological parameters of the homestead ponds in central coastal belt, Bangladesh, based on two seasons. The results revealed that significant differences (p < .05) were found in pH, DO, conductivity, TDS, nitrates, phosphates and sulphates except temperature in monsoon, and transparency in both seasons. A total of 34 phytoplankton genera representatives of five major groups were recorded such as Euglenophyceae (41.5%), Chlorophyceae (30.5%), Cyanophyceae (13%), Dinophyceae (10%) and Bacillariophyceae (5%). A significant difference (p < .05) in phytoplankton abundance was found in both seasons with the highest mean of 186.13 ± 129.34 × 10 4 cells L −1 in monsoon and the lowest mean of 144.40 ± 107.26 × 10 4 cells L −1 during winter. The diversity (H'), evenness (J'), richness (d) and dominance (D) ranged from 1.62 to 2.47, 0.52 to 0.97, 0.37 to 1.15 and 0.10 to 0.28 respectively. Based on SIMPER, the most dominant (>10%) genera for dissimilation within stations and seasons were Euglena spp., Phacus spp., Chlorella spp., Strombomonas spp. and Peridinium spp. ANOSIM results stated that 12 genera of phytoplankton were significant contributors based on average dissimilarity. Pearson's correlation coefficient and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that phytoplankton abundance, diversity and community were mainly governed by transparency, dissolved oxygen and nitrates.