Mathematical reflective thinking is one of the important thinking skills trained to students, but it has less attention. Student learning style is one of the factors that influence the mathematical reflective thinking process. The purpose of this study is to explore errors and reflective mathematical thinking processes seen from learning styles according to Honey and Mumford. This research was conducted at one of the junior high schools in Indonesia. This study uses a survey method, students with activist, reflector, theorist, and pragmatist learning styles. Data were collected through learning style questionnaires, mathematical reflective tests, and observations. All research instruments will first be tested for eligibility by validation by 2 experts. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the analysis can be concluded that the mathematical reflective thinking processes of students with activist, pragmatist, and theorist learning styles had gone through the stages of reacting, elaboration, and contemplating appropriately. While students with reflector learning styles are only at the stages of reacting, and elaboration, they have not reached contemplating. This study provides teachers with an understanding of the importance of errors and thought processes of students in reflective thinking problems.