He-Xe gas-cooled micro-molten salt reactor (HX-micro-MSR) is a novel reactor concept that integrates the technologies of molten salt reactor and closed Brayton cycle (CBC), which has a more compact structure compared with the other types of micro-MSRs. The reactor system probed in this paper has a thermal power of 2.5 MWth and consists of the core, fission gas collecting container, and CBC system. The He-Xe gas flows through the coolant channels in the core to transfer the nuclear heat to the CBC for electricity production. To withstand the large pressure difference between the He-Xe gas coolant (7 MPa) and molten salt (nearly atmospheric pressure), the sizes and wall thickness of coolant channels are analyzed and optimized to be 8 mm and 0.5 mm, respectively. In total, 1050 coolant channels are regularly arranged in the core to effectively remove the nuclear heat. The enrichment of U-235 in the fuel UF4 is determined to be 61% to meet the burnup goal of 5 years. To minimize the neutron leakage, the thickness of reflector is selected to be 23 cm. Six control drums with the diameter in 10.5 cm and neutron absorber layer thickness in 1 cm are symmetrically placed in the reflector to realize reactivity control under both normal and accident conditions. Radiation shield is designed and analyzed by varying the thickness of multiple shielding layers, and it is found that a combination of W layer in 14 cm and Mg(BH4)2 layer in 56 cm can satisfy the criterion of radiation dose (<1 mSv/h). The total weight of HX-micro-MSR is estimated to be 35 tonnes and falls into the acceptable range.