A boundary-layer formulation is developed for the low-Mach-number limit. Self-similar low-Mach-number Falkner-Skan solutions are found for flow past a wedge. From computation of both this low-Mach-number-limit solution and the full compressible boundary-layer equations, it is shown that laminar transonic boundary-layer flow past a constant temperature flat plate may be accurately calculated using the simpler low-Mach-number-limit solution.
Nomenclaturetemperatures with and without Mach number heating J = total enthalpy M ∞ = freestream Mach number m ∞ = parameter relating τ and M ∞ Pr = Prandtl number Re = Reynolds number T c= temperature within the boundary layer scaled using |T e − T w | for a flat plate T e , J e = temperature and total enthalpy at the edge of the boundary layer T * e = dimensional temperature at the edge of the boundary layer T w = nondimensional wall temperaturê T ,R = nondimensional perturbation temperature and density within the boundary layer U, V = streamwise and wall-normal velocities U e = velocity at the edge of the boundary layer β = pressure gradient parameter T * = dimensional temperature difference between the freestream and the wall ρ = density within the boundary layer ρ e , µ e = density and viscosity at the edge of the boundary layer ρ w = nondimensional wall density τ = freestream air temperature perturbation from wall temperature ψ, ,ˆ , f = stream functions Subscripts e = property at the edge of the boundary layer s, N = derivatives in boundary-layer equations w = property at the wall ξ, η = derivatives in boundary-layer equations in transformed coordinates