In general, neutron diffraction allows a non-destructive investigation of bulk samples. In this study, a magneto-strain analysis of the trapped field in YB2Cu3Oy “YBCO” superconducting bulks was carried out at 45 K using neutron diffraction time-of-flight (TOF) method. The TAKUMI TOF neutron diffractometer offers unique advantages, including accommodation of large objectives, control of the experimental set-up using a 4-axial goniometer (XYZθ), and a positional resolution of 0.01 mm allowing an accurate sample positioning. As a result, the lattice strain in the YB2Cu3Oy material could be estimated in both radial and hoop directions by estimating the difference of plane spacing with/without the trapped magnetic field. The results indicate that the samples with a low trapped field values have smaller magnetic strain than those with a high trapped field. Further, the strain in the hoop direction is higher than that in the radial direction. The present results indicate that neutron diffraction measurements are an effective method for evaluating the bulk residual strains in a non-destructive manner.