Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate PYP practitioner preschool teachers’ science teaching practices in terms of their pedagogical beliefs.
Methods: In this mixed method study, the quantitative data were first collected and analyzed, and then the qualitative data were collected and detailed. Accordingly, Pedagogical Belief Systems Scale (PBSS) was first implemented to 39 preschool teachers. Then, teachers were selected based on their scores from PBSS and included in the qualitative data processes. Data sources in this study are PBSS, Science Teaching Construction Task (STCT) and Classroom Observations. On the other hand, data analysis consisted of three steps. In the first step, quantitative data analysis was performed. Qualitative data analysis was performed in the second and third steps. In the first step of the qualitative data analysis, inductive content analysis was performed based on the constant comparative method on the responses of the teachers in the lower and upper groups to eight questions in STCT. Then, teachers’ science teaching practices in their own classrooms were analyzed through analytic rubric and enriched with field notes
Results: The results revealed that PYP practitioner preschool teachers had child-centered pedagogical beliefs. They also performed science teaching activities based on question-answer and deliberative interactions representing child-centered orientation, independently of their pedagogical beliefs.
Discussion: According to the results in this study, the quality of PYP practitioner preschool teachers’ theoretical orientations and practical applications for science teaching was independent of their pedagogical beliefs. However, preschool teachers with high pedagogical beliefs put more emphasis on inquiry in their theoretical conceptualizations about science teaching.
Limitations: The most important limitation in this study is the population. The first limitation occurs because PYP practitioner preschool education institutions were very limited in Istanbul; PYP practitioner preschool teachers were difficult to reach. The second limitation is that this research relied on only teachers’ self-reported views and practices.
Conclusion: Findings in this study is important in terms of describing the quality of preschool science teaching in the context of PYP and how teachers’ pedagogical beliefs serve it. Hence, based on the results obtained in the study, it was revealed that PYP practitioner preschool teachers were generally based on child-centered teaching and tended to use inquiry-based pedagogical strategies.