Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photolyases, which contain FAD as a cofactor, use light to repair CPDs. We performed structural analyses of the catalytic site of the Thermus thermophilus CPD photolyase-DNA complex, using FAD-induced paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE). The distances between the tryptophan residues and the FAD calculated from the PRE agree well with those observed in the x-ray structure (with an error of <3 Å). Subsequently, a single-stranded DNA containing 13 C-labeled CPD was prepared, and the FAD-induced PRE of the NMR resonances from the CPD lesion in complex with the CPD photolyase was investigated. The distance between the FAD and the CPD calculated from the PRE is 16 ؎ 3 Å. The FAD-induced PRE was also observed in the CPD photolyase-doublestranded DNA complex. Based on these results, a model of the CPD photolyase-DNA complex was constructed, and the roles of Arg-201, Lys-240, Trp-247, and Trp-353 in the CPD-repair reaction are discussed.UV irradiation induces various lesions in DNA (1). The cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) 1 is a major DNA lesion induced by UV light (2). CPD formation is closely linked to deleterious effects, including mutation, cell death, and skin cancer. Organisms have a variety of enzymes that recognize and repair DNA lesions. CPD photolyases repair CPDs using visible or near-UV light (3, 4). CPD photolyases induce in vivo photoreactivation, which prevents the deleterious effects of far-UV light (200 -300 nm) by the concurrent or subsequent exposure to near-UV-visible (300 -500 nm) light.CPD photolyases contain FAD as a catalytic cofactor. CPD photolyases repair the CPD by an electron transfer from photoactivated FAD to the CPD. The high quantum yield of the reaction ( ϭ 0.5-1.0) shows that CPD photolyases utilize light energy quite efficiently (5, 6). According to the theory proposed by Marcus (7), the distance and the relative orientation between donors and acceptors determines the efficiency of electron transfer reactions. Therefore, a structural analysis of the catalytic site of the enzyme is important for understanding the mechanism of the high efficiency of the reaction.The crystal structures of the CPD photolyases from Escherichia coli, Anacystis nidulans, and Thermus thermophilus HB8 were recently solved (8 -10). These structures show a similar global fold, and they have an FAD-containing cavity in the C-terminal helical domain. The crystal structure of the T. thermophilus CPD photolyase-thymine complex has also been solved (10). In this structure, the thymine molecule resided in the cavity, suggesting that this cavity forms the CPD-binding site. However, the structure of a CPD photolyase in complex with CPD-containing DNA has not yet been determined.Unpaired electrons induce paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) in NMR resonances from neighboring atoms in a distance-dependent manner, and the relaxation data are calculated with the Solomon-Bloembergen equation (11). PRE has been used for analyses of denatured proteins (12-14), protein-ligand comp...