The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in electroencephalographic (EEG) power spectrum in response to decapitation of anaesthetized rats, in order to assess the nociception or otherwise of this procedure. Ten young adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were anaesthetized with halothane in oxygen and anaesthesia was maintained at a stable concentration of halothane between 1.20% and 1.25%. The rat's head and neck were placed through the opening of a small animal guillotine so that the blade of the guillotine was positioned over the atlanto-occipial joint of the rat's neck. The EEG was recorded in a five-electrode montage, bilaterally. After recording a 15 min baseline the rat was decapitated by swiftly pressing the guillotine blade and the EEG recording was continued until the signal was isoelectric on both channels. Changes in the median frequency (F50), 95% spectral edge frequency (F95) and total power of the EEG (Ptot) were used to investigate the effects of decapitation. During the first 15 s following decapitation, there were significant increases in the F50 and F95, and a decrease in the Ptot compared with baseline values. There was a clear window of time immediately following decapitation where changes in the EEG frequency spectrum were obvious; these changes in the EEG indices of nociception could be attributed as responses generated by the rat's cerebral cortex following decapitation.Keywords rat, electroencephalogram, euthanasia, welfare, nociception Several different methods of euthanasia have been proposed for use in laboratory animals in biomedical research (e.g. injectable anaesthesia, decapitation, cervical dislocation, CO 2 asphyxiation, etc.).
1Decapitation has the advantage that it has no effect on subsequent analytical procedures.2 This is not the case with chemical methods such as a drug overdose. Despite its common use, the humaneness of decapitation of conscious animals is debatable.2-5 The question of whether brain activity continues after decapitation and, if so, for how long, has been considered essential for determining the acceptability of this procedure. These questions have been addressed in a number of studies involving different animal species including rats.2,6-10 Studies utilizing electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings have been used to map the brain following decapitation. Conversion from high voltage slow activity to low voltage fast activity (LVFA) and desynchronization, a shift in EEG activity toward high frequency, have been reported as typical EEG responses following the decapitation of conscious animals. These changes in EEG activity persist between 8 and 29 s in all species after decapitation 5 and, are followed by the onset of isoelectric EEG.Interpretation of these post-decapitation EEG changes in terms of conscious arousal and potential pain perception, and as a response to noxious stimulation, has not been simple. Other studies have demonstrated that LVFA pattern EEG activity can be seen during rapid eye movement sleep/anaesthesia and also during an...