Sliding plate rheometer studies of concentrated polystyrene solutions: Nonlinear viscoelasticity and wall slip of two high molecular weight polymers in tricresyl phosphate Abstract. In this contribution, the filtration equations for a cake filtration in viscoelastic fluids are presented. They are based on a capillary hybrid model for the flow of a power law fluid. In order to express the elastic pressure drop excess in the flow of viscoelastic filtrate through the filter cake and filter screen, modified Deborah number correction functions are included into these equations. Their validity was examined experimentally. Filtration experiments with suspensions of hardened polystyrene particles (Krasten) in viscoelastic aqueous solutions of polyacryl amides (0.4 % and 0.6 %wt. Kerafloc) were carried out at a constant pressure on a cylindrical filtration unit using filter screens of different resistance.