First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Parker for his great supervision, professionalism and patience during this research. I am always thankful to him for teaching me how to critically think about everything. I am sincerely grateful that I had the opportunity to work with such a smart, thoughtful, and encouraging supervisor. I cannot thank him enough for all he has done for me. I am thankful to Dr. Elsayed for always being helpful and kind to me. His valuable advice and nice manner are sincerely acknowledged. I owe him debt of gratitude for his support to work throughout the project. I want to give my sincere thanks to Mark Sobon and Mark Merlau for their technical assistance and Terry Ridgway for their valuable help in Lab. I am grateful to Bipro Dhar for teaching me several experimental techniques and for patiently answering my many questions. Special thanks go to Robert K. Thomas, Aline Rosa, Cameron Adams and Gary Voorthuyzen for helping me with the operation and maintenance of my bench-scale reactors. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the endless support of my mother for taking full responsibility of my three kids. I would like to thank my husband, Mohammad Nazrul Islam who supported my decision to complete graduate studies and encouraged me every step along the way. v