The susperscaling model SuSAv2, already available for charged-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the quasielastic region, is extended to the full inelastic regime. In the model the resonance production and deep inelastic reactions are described through the extension to the neutrino sector of the SuSAv2 inelastic model developed for (e, e 0 ) reactions, which combines phenomenological structure functions with a nuclear scaling function. This work also compares two different descriptions of the Δ resonance region, one based on a global scaling function for the full inelastic spectrum and the other on a semiphenomenological Δ scaling function extracted from (e, e 0 ) data for this specific region and updated with respect to previous work. The results of the model are tested against (e, e 0 ) data on 12 C, 16 O, 40 Ca, and 40 Ar and applied to the study of the charged current inclusive neutrino cross-section on 12 C and 40 Ar measured by the T2K, MicroBooNE, ArgoNEUT, and MINERvA experiments, thus covering several kinematical regions.