By measuring the rhodopsin -bathorhodopsin, isorhodopsin -bathorhodopsin, rhodopsin -isorhodopsin and rhodopsin --eta-I1 difference spectra with the method of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy we have identified the C=N stretching vibration of the protonated retinylidene Schiff base of rhodopsin, isorhodopsin and bathorhodopsin. In contrast to resonance Raman spectroscopy additional strong bands were observed between 1700cm-'and 1620cni-'. Most ofthemdependon theisomericstateofthechromophore. Theoriginofthese bands will be discussed. In the fingerprint region isorhodopsin and bathorhodopsin are quite similar but no similarities with infrared spectra of model compounds of any isomeric composition are observed. Therefore, no conclusions on the isomeric state of the retinal in bathorhodopsin can be drawn. We provide evidence for the modification of one or two carboxylic group(s) during the rhodopsin -bathorhodopsin and isorhodopsin -bathorhodopsin transition.During the last years evidence has accumulated to show that the main role of rhodopsin in the visual transduction process consists in its function as an activator of enzymatic reactions, switched on by the action of light (e.g. [I]). The molecular events leading to the activation of rhodopsin are still not well enough understood. A prerequisite for the understanding of this mechanism is the knowledge of the molecular events in the chromophore 1 I-cis retinal and in the protein, as well as the knowledge of the chromophore-protein interaction, especially of the nature of the chromophore-protein bond. Resonance Raman spectroscopy has provided evidence that the retinal-protein link constitutes a protonated Schiff base [2-51. This finding has been questioned on the basis of theoretical and experimental arguments [6 -121. To explain the discrepancy processes in the electronic excited state involved in resonance Raman spectroscopy have been proposed. With the method of time-resolved infrared spectroscopy we have previously measured the rhodopsin -meta-I and rhodopsin --eta-11 difference spectra [12]. In these measurements it was not possible to identify clearly the Cz=N stretching vibration of the protonated retinylidene Schiff base in rhodopsin, and a protonation via a hydrogen bond has, therefore, been suggested. These investigations were hampered by low spectral resolution (5 cm-' -8 cm-'). In addition, protein changes, which cause spectral changes, have been invoked to explain these observations. Nevertheless, since infrared difference spectroscopy does not involve the electronic excited state, it still would be desirable to apply this method at a higher spectral resolution to solve the problem of the nature of the retinal-protein link in rhodopsin. Recently, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy has been successfully employed to measure the static difference spectra in the systems of CO-myoglobin and bacteriorhoAhhrez;iutions. FTTR spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy; BR568r light-adapted form of bacteriorhodopsin; Kslo...