Measurements are made of inelastic incoherent scattering of neutrons by a Vo.97Uo.03 alloy using a time-of-flight spectrometer with cold neutron source. The presence of quasilocal vibrations (QLV) in the vibrational spectrum of the vO.97UO.03 alloy is revealed and the variation in the efficient force constants (FC) of the impurity atom-matrix atom interaction is estimated and compared with the interaction between matrix atoms. It is shown that the revealing of the QLV in the spectra of inelastic incoherent neutron scattering essentially depends on the relation between the total amplitudes of neutron scattering by impurity atoms and matrix atoms. der Storstellen-Wirtsatom-Wechselwirkung werden berechnet und mit der Wechselwirkung &&en den Matrixatomen verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, daI3 das Auftreten der QLV in den Spektren der inelastischen, inkoharenten Neutronenstreuung wesentlich von der Beziehung zwischen den Gesamtamplituden der Neutronenstreuung durch Storstellenatome und Matrixatome abhiingt.