introduce a novel NMR approach that extends the capabilities
of indirect dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) under magic-angle spinning
to probe the local environment of half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei.
Compared to cross-polarization, this novel method based on the refocused
INEPT scheme with adiabatic dipolar recoupling is easier to optimize
and does not distort the quadrupolar line shapes. Furthermore, the
use of this technique, instead of the PRESTO (Phase-shifted Recoupling
Effects a Smooth Transfer of Order) scheme or direct DNP, greatly
improves the sensitivity of DNP-NMR for the detection of quadrupolar
isotopes with small dipolar couplings to protons, including notably
those located in the subsurface of inorganic materials or with low
gyromagnetic ratio (γ). This technique has been applied to identify
the atomic-level structure of Brønsted acid sites of hydrated
titania-supported MoO3, MoO3/TiO2, a widely used heterogeneous catalyst. The spectra of protonated
and unprotonated 17O sites, acquired in natural abundance,
indicate the presence of various oxomolybdate species as well as HOMo2 and HOMo3 Brønsted acid sites. The enhanced
sensitivity of this new method has also enabled the acquisition of
the first DNP-enhanced spectra of 95Mo and 47,49Ti low-γ quadrupolar isotopes. This possibility has been demonstrated
by detecting the signals of these nuclei near the surface of MoO3/TiO2. This technique has allowed the observation
of 49Ti surface sites, which are absent from the bulk region
of TiO2. Furthermore, both 95Mo and 47,49Ti DNP spectra have shown an increased structural disorder of TiO2 and MoO3 phases near the surface of the particles
and notably the preferential location of the amorphous TiO2 phase at the surface of the particles. The proposed polarization
transfer is also employed to acquire the first DNP-enhanced spectrum
of 67Zn, another low-γ quadrupolar isotope. This
possibility is demonstrated for Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles used in
optoelectronic devices. The obtained 17O, 27Al, and 67Zn DNP-NMR data prove that the surface region
of these nanoparticles contains ZnO phase as well as secondary phases,
such as α-Al2O3 and partially inverse
ZnAl2O4 spinel.