In response to recommendations from the Special Committee on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration (VHA) chartered a workgroup to identify strategies for improving the reach and fidelity of evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) implemented by VHA through clinician training initiatives. The workgroup, which comprised stakeholders in a variety of roles within the VHA, used an Intervention Mapping process, a practical approach to designing change strategies based on theory, evidence, and stakeholder input. High-level recommendations centered around implementation of recent VHA/Department of Defense (VA/DoD) treatment guidelines. In addition to recommended first-line and suggested second-line treatments, the guidelines include measurement-based care and shared decision making around EBPs and their alternatives to ensure that care is goal-oriented and patient-centered. To support increased reach and fidelity, the workgroup made four broad recommendations: (a) enhancing leadership support; (b) alignment of policies, programs, and processes that influence reach of EBPs as recommended in clinical practice guidelines, including implementation support to accompany EBP trainings; (c) use of clinical data to inform decision making at multiple levels, and to provide fidelity support when outcomes are lower than expected or desired; and (d) increasing veteran and stakeholder education and awareness of guideline recommendations and availability of EBPs. These recommendations accompanied a more detailed set of recommended steps for implementation. This article describes the Intervention Mapping process and a summary of resulting workgroup recommendations.Editor's note. This article is part of a special issue, "Expanding the Impact of Psychology Through Implementation Science," published in the November 2020 issue of American Psychologist. Shannon Wiltsey Stirman and Rinad S. Beidas served as editors of the special issue, with Anne E. Kazak as advisory editor and action editor for this article.