The concept of dielectric constant measurement has been extended and applied in agriculture, pharmaceutical and food industry for quality control of liquids. Dielectric analysis of material at microwave frequencies can be done using novel shielded stacked multi-ring resonator (SMRR). The dielectric constant of liquids and paste has been calculated using SMRR with greater accuracy than the planar resonator, boxed resonator and stacked resonator. SMRR contains a ring resonator with fed patch and parasitic patch with different numbers and sizes of rings. The dimensions of rings on the parasitic patch are optimized to achieve Quality factor Q greater than 100 and return loss less than-2 dB. Due to dual resonance in novel SMRR, structure losses are reduced by 50% than planar resonator structure. The behavior of SMRR structure at the 2.45 GHz frequency is studied with E field and H field. 3D model is designed in Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio (CST MWS) using TLM (Transmission Line Modeling) solver. Electromagnetic field analysis as well as impedance bandwidth of SMRR using CST MWS 3D model prove that electromagnetic coupling in SMRR structure increases thus improves quality factor. In SMRR quality factor increases and losses reduce help us to predict the complex permittivity of material for quality analysis.