Focus is placed on all aspects of electrical energy as well as innovation in energy generation and delivery, three different approaches, and efficient technologies in energy and energy systems research. Research projects focus on systems and equipment for converting, supplying, and using energy as a form of electricity. In order to improve quality and efficiency and to promote the gradual materialization of intelligent, efficient energy, power electronics are increasingly a more fundamental component of power systems. Power systems use a wide variety of power electronics. Power systems is the physical study of converting electrical energy from one medium to another. More than 80% of the total electricity produced at a global average rate of 3.4 billion kilowatts per hour per year is reprocessed or recovered in industries like electronics. Electrical energy is processed or converted using power electronics converters, often known as power converters or switching converters. There are two types of electricity: AC power and DC power. Depending on the kind of power it uses, the distribution system is split into AC distribution systems and DC distribution systems. design about an electrical power system must include power system analysis. To ensure that the electrical system, including the system components, is appropriately defined to operate as intended, resist anticipated stress, and be safeguarded from failures, calculations and simulations are carried out. Power electronic benefits: power density that is high. improved energy conversion efficiency of up to 99%. Switching power supplies are employed in medical equipment with acoustically sensitive industrial applications to their dependability and efficiency. In general, issues like service disruptions and power outages are related to the reliability of the power supply. It is commonly stated that this is an attempt to rely on codes that are directly pertinent to the user. Standard dependency index values for US purposes include SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI. DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) They are divided into analysis using the Nonmetal mineral product industry, General equipment manufacturing, Mining and washing of coal, Textile industry, Food manufacturing industry It is the interaction between the factors Visualized and assesses dependent relationships Through the structural model Also deals with identifying important. Evaluation parameters: Analog & Digital Electronics, Power Systems, Electric Circuits, Electric Machines and Digital Controllers. Power Systems and Power Electronics in Analog & Digital Electronics is got the first rank whereas is the Electric Circuits is having the Lowest rank. Power Systems and Power Electronics in Analog & Digital Electronics is got the first rank whereas is the Electric Circuits is having the Lowest rank