The reaction 16O(γ, p)3H3 induced by bremsstrahlung photons of endpoint energy Emaxγ = 150 MeV has been studied by the method of a diffusion chamber in a magnetic field. The energy dependence of the total cross section has been measured in the energy range from the threshold and has been founded a broad resonance centered at 55 MeV. The rate of decrease in the cross section undergoes a change in the region around 55 MeV. A comparison was made with the cross section for reactions 4He(γ, p)3H and 12С(γ, р)3H2. The agreement between the shapes of distributions for the (γ, p)3H reactions is evident and was concluded that the mechanism of interaction of the γ-quantum with the nucleus is similar. The dependence of average kinetic energy of particles on the total kinetic energy was determined. In the whole energy interval, the distribution for a proton is more than the statistical distribution. Distribution of relative energy of the proton and 3H nucleus in their c.m.s. does not agree with the predictions of the mechanism of photon absorption by an α-particle cluster, but at energies above the maximum, it agrees with calculations within the framework of the quasi-deuteron model of photoabsorption.