Pollution that occurs in lake waters needs special attention from various parties in the management of the lake in the future. The activities occurring around the lake result in an increased inflow of pollution into the lake. The aim of this study is to assess the pollution condition of Lake Aneuk Laot in Sabang by utilizing indicators such as the pollution index, CCME WQI (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index), and saprobic index. The investigation took place in both September 2019 and June 2021, employing the stratified random sampling method with four designated observation stations for the sampling process. Parameter measurements analyzed in the pollution index include temperature, depth, current, TDS, TSS, BOD, COD, DO, phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, sulfide, iron, lead, oil and fat, detergent, pH, e-coliform, and parameters used in the saprobic index include phytoplankton data. Based on the analysis of the Pollution Index and CCME WQI it is determined that the pollution status of Lake Aneuk Laot is heavily polluted for Class I, moderately polluted for Classes 1 and 2, and falls under the good category for Class 4. The saprobic index results show the beta-mesosaprobic category with a result of 2.3 (moderately loaded).