Over the past decades significant progresses have been done to understand the origin of seeding mechanisms of ionospheric irregularities. However, characterization of the global ionospheric irregularities as a function of local time, longitude, and season is still a challenge for the modeling community. In this review paper, using multiinstrument observations, we investigated the global irregularity distribution and its possible drivers that control the longitudinal and seasonal dependences. We demonstrated that forcing from lower thermosphere, like the localized tropospheric gravity waves seeding, may be responsible for the formation of strong longitudinal dependence of irregularity distribution. The location of Intertropical Convergence Zone that generate forceful thunderstorms and become favorable location for the launch of localized gravity waves may play an important role in the longitudinal dependence of irregularity distribution. Hence, incorporating the Intertropical Convergence Zone location into density irregularity modeling effort may provide important information to understand and characterize the longitudinal variability of irregularity distributions.Plain Language Summary The two major coupling processes, namely, (1) the vertical coupling that involves upward propagating atmospheric waves (forcing from below) and (2) magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (forcing from above), cause for the initiation and development of ionospheric density irregularities that create favorable conditions for the creation of rapid amplitude and phase fluctuations of radio signals. On the other hand, application of radio wave is essential for our communication and navigation systems, either transmitted through the ionosphere for satellite communication and navigation or reflected off the ionosphere for HF and radar applications. This indicates that ionospheric density irregularities are as much an engineering concern as they are a scientific quest. The ionospheric irregularities, which are also not uniform globally, affect the integrity and performance of navigation and communication systems with different magnitudes at different longitudes. Hence, understanding the physics behind the longitudinal variability of equatorial ionospheric irregularities is essential to characterize and develop a model that can accurately capture the global distribution of ionospheric irregularities and its driving mechanisms.