Recently, a technique for calibrating the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a broad variety of metrology instrumentation has been demonstrated. This technique is based on test samples structured as one-dimensional binary pseudo-random (BPR) sequences and two-dimensional BPR arrays (BPRAs). The inherent power spectral density of BPR gratings (sequences) and arrays has a deterministic white-noise-like character that allows direct determination of the MTF with uniform sensitivity over the entire spatial frequency range and field-of-view of an instrument. As such, the BPR samples satisfy the characteristics of a test standard: functionality, ease of specification and fabrication, reproducibility, and low sensitivity to manufacturing error. Here we discuss our recent developments directed to the optimization of the sample design, fabrication, application, and data processing procedures, suitable for thorough characterization of large aperture optical interferometers. Compared with the previous coded-aperture based design, the improved, 'highly randomized' BPRA pattern of the new test standard provides better accuracy and reliability of instrument MTF and aberration characterization, and enables operation optimization of large aperture optical interferometers. We describe the pattern generation algorithm and tests to verify the compliance to desired BPRA topography. The data acquisition and analysis procedures for different applications of the technique are also discussed.