Verification and validation of computational codes are key points for the development of the Generation IV (Gen-IV) reactors. System Thermal-Hydraulic (STH) codes spread to perform system-scale safety analysis of the Light Water-cooled Reactor (LWR) and they were validated using a large amount of experimental data. The proposal of Gen-IV reactors led to the implementation of advanced capabilities to the STH codes, which include the possibility to reproduce the thermal-hydraulics in large plena and the opportunity to adopt new coolant, such as liquid metal or molten salt. In this framework, a validation benchmark was proposed on Horizon 2020 (H2020) SESAME project; the activity aims at comparing the capability of six STH codes to reproduce the thermal-hydraulics of a Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) in both nominal conditions and accidental scenario. One of the scopes of this activity is the evaluations of the different source of uncertainty for the transient analysis. The Dissymmetric Test, carried out on Phénix reactor, was selected for the analysis. The experimental test, characterized by asymmetrical boundary conditions, is considered very interesting for the evaluation of the STH codes capability to reproduce relevant three-dimensional phenomena in a liquid metal pool-type reactor. The boundary conditions lead to a dissymmetrical distribution of the temperature inside the cold pool which is strongly related to the thermal-hydraulics of the primary flow path. Another benchmark was also organized for the CFD-STH coupled simulations using the same experimental data (Uitslag-Doolaard et al., in this issue). The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) provided to the participants a detailed description of the reactor geometry, the system boundary conditions and the temperature evolution for the primary system over the whole transient.