Many different engineering models are used in the development of technical systems such as the electro-mechanical drive train. The goal of utilising these models is to predict the physical behaviour of the system by virtually testing it. Already existing engineering models have to be identified and reused, to increase the efficiency of the development process. The model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach motego [1, 2] supports the development of mechanical systems in a holistic and function-oriented manner. The system solution and the solution element are core elements in motego, that realise specific functions. The solution element contains the principle solution and domain models (e.g. engineering models), while the system solution contains solution elements and domain models. The system solution and especially the solution element provides a meaningful structure for organising and reusing models.However, in literature those solution elements are not identified and structured yet. This is also true for the electro-mechanical drive train, which is used as case for this study. It is assumed the solution elements can be identified by analysing the interaction between active surfaces of parts in contact. This contribution proposes a classification procedure for solution elements, which is based on elementary functions and principle solutions as they are elements of established development methods.