Observations on the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the growth of Delesseria sanguinea (L .) LAMOUR . from the western Baltic Sea .The post-treatment effects of hydrostatic pressures (100-500 atm) on the growth in length and breadth of young prolifications of D . sanguinea were studied at 15°C . Growth activity was compared amongst the prolifications separated from the midrib and not separated ones, and cell-viability as influenced by high pressures was also observed under the microscope . Pressure-temperature relationship was investigated, in which the pressure effects on growth were studied at different temperatures (5°-22°C), using prolifications which were previously adapted to corresponding temperatures . Long-termed experiments were also set up to study the capability of pressure adaptation in young leaflets . In this regard the growth activity was measured after long-termed exposure to relatively smaller pressures (20-60 atm) . EINLEITUNG