The results of computational and experimental validation of the design of the emergency heat-removal system for BN-1200 are presented. The results of experimental studies performed on a water model of the V-200 integrated stand are presented, and the planning of experiments on the TISEI stand for validation of the efficiency and operating regimes using the BURNA, GRIF, and Flow Vision computational design codes is discussed.The removal of the residual heat released in the core remains a pressing problem, increasing as reactor power increases. In accordance with current trends, the problem here is to meet during emergency cool-down safety requirements that are more stringent than those determined in OPB 88/97, viz., for advanced designs the probability of serious damage to the reactor core must not exceed 10 -6 per reactor per year.At the same time, the current trends in nuclear power are toward validated reduction of safety costs with a positive economic outcome. For the sodium-cooled fast reactor BN-1200, the technical task is to lower the cost of a power-generating unit to the cost of VVER at the same power. The cost reduction of the emergency heat-removal system can make an appreciable contribution to the reduction of the cost of a power-generating unit.The heat-removal system based on heat-exchangers immersed in the coolant in the first loop and final heat removal accomplished through an intermediate loop into the environment was chosen at the design variant for BN-1200.Accurate modeling of heat and mass transfer on small-scale models with a natural coolant is impossible because the similarity criteria are not satisfied: Peclet number (Pe = wl/a), Reynolds number (Re = w/ν), and Froude number (Fr = w 2 /gβΔTl) [1]. The experimental facilities and research are expensive because large-scale models with natural coolant are used. The main objective of the computational and experimental validation is to confirm the serviceability of the system passively removing the residual heat release. For routine functioning, it must keep core operation within safe operating limits according to the maximum admissible temperature of the fuel-element cladding and the reactor vessel, which are set during the validation of the corresponding materials in the design [2].Two stands were developed to study the thermohydraulic processes in the new-generation emergency heat-removal system: V-200 and TISEI. The integrated V-200 stand takes account of the characteristics of the in-take arrangement of BN-1200 as a whole on a 1:10 scale [3]. The TISEI stand with a 1:5 scale ensures more accurate geometric similarity of the