The growth rate of GaN on the GaAs (110) substrate as deduced from reflectivity measurements exhibits a peculiar behavior. A transient regime with a relatively high initial growth rate progressively decreases to a limit value during the early stage of high temperature GaN growth. An optical model, incorporating time-dependent profiles of the growth rate and surface roughness, was used to simulate the corresponding in situ reflectivity recorded during the growth of GaN layers on the GaAs (110) substrate. The growth rate transient, characterized by a time constant ðτÞ and a diffusion length (L), is proposed to originate from Ga self-diffusion in the GaN layer. Both the time constant ðτÞ and the diffusion length ðLÞ increase with the rising growth temperature. This allows for the estimation of the Ga self-diffusion coefficient in GaN, which, in the growth temperature range of 750°C to 900°C, was found to be equal to D ¼ 1.35 10 −11 expð−ð0.28∓0.04Þ∕k B T Þ cm 2 s −1 .