Dilute dispersions of monodisperse negatively-charged polystyrene latex particles, radii 161 A, have been examined by time-average light scattering at various latex volume fractions and electrolyte concentrations. The latter were varied from the low value produced by maintaining mixed bed ion-exchange resin beads in the systems (ca. 10-s tool dm -3) to the value of 5 • 10 -3 tool dm -3 obtained by the addition of sodium chloride. From angular scattering meastirements determinations of the structure factors were made; these were produced as a consequence of the particle-particle interactions in the system. By extrapolation of the structure factor to zero scattering angle, values were obtained for the osmotic compressibility and hence the osmotic pressure of the systems as a function of the latex volume fraction. It was found that the experimental data obtained could be interpreted in terms of a hard-sphere model for the particle-particle interaction. Good agreement was obtained provided that the particles were assigned a hard-sphere radius which was determined by the electrostatic repulsion between the particles.